Frequently asked Questions
Always the hot topic.
Q. How much do you charge?
A. What would you like us to do?
Q. I have some lovely trees, why should i employ your services?
A. Trees are both an asset and an investment. As you will soon find, we are passionate about arboriculture. Your tree may look good, but with careful pruning and care it could grow in a much healthier and more aesthetically pleasing way.
Q. Formative pruning - why?
A. Formative pruning during the early years of a tree's development can establish the desired form and/or correct defects or weaknesses. Why invest a lot of time and money in nursery stock and just plant them to be left to their own devices? Trees are natural and as such do not always grow in the best manner - they are susceptible to disease and pathogens and do not always grow in the healthiest way.
Q. How much to take my tree down?
A. How long is a piece of string?
It all depends on the size and species of tree, access to it and egress from it, what is to be done with the waste, etc. etc.
It costs nothing to have us call out for a FREE, NO OBLIGATION quotation and to discuss your needs and wishes, so please give Steve a call on 07734 943570.
There is genuinely no pressure whatsoever to agree with or accept any pricing or suggestions made by us - all we ask is a chance to quote.